Creating and Editing Teacher Logins
This article assumes that your data is already set up on the system and your teachers are listed under Data > Teachers.
Creating/Resetting Logins in Bulk
The Manage Teacher Logins option allows you to create, or reset, your teacher logins in bulk, saving time compared to doing each manually (for which see the second part of this article).
- From the Administrator Dashboard, select Data > Teachers. All teachers added to will be displayed.
- Click on Manage Teacher Logins at the top of the page.
- In the username format box, choose your desired format. Teachers will need to type this username into the login page along with the password they set later in the process.
- Select the teachers you wish to create/reset passwords for. By default, teachers not yet invited are selected. These are teachers who haven't got a login setup yet but also haven't been sent a welcome email containing instructions to create their first password yet. The other sections are Teachers Invited (no password set) which is where the teacher has been sent the welcome email but have not actioned it yet and Teachers With an Existing Login which contains everyone who has a login already setup.
There are select/unselect all buttons to the right of each group.
There is information under each teacher containing relevant information - such as which username that teacher will receive following generation, the username they have been assigned previously or the reason you can't select them (e.g. no email address on the record). - Once you're done, click the Generate Logins button at the bottom and the emails will be sent.
Resetting the password for a particular teacher.
Once they have been initially invited, you can also reset the password for a particular teacher via the same page, or going to Data > Teachers and clicking on the teacher whose password you wish to reset then using the Reset Password button.
The password reset email will be sent out instantly and can be checked via Messages in your navigation bar: