Viewing an overall grid of teacher availability and appointments
Once your conference is set up you may need a quick overall view of appointments made for teachers and their remaining availability - you can do this via Export Booking Grid.
How to view the Booking Grid
- From the Administrator Homepage select Conferences on the navigation bar at the left of the screen. Then Go to Conference.
Once in the conference you can click Manage Appointments on the navigation bar or in Common Actions Once Manage Appointments has loaded, under the three dropdowns click on Export Booking Grid. If your conference is set up over a number of dates you can then chose for which date you want a grid. This will then download a CSV file.
- The file can be opened (in any spreadsheet app such as Microsoft Excel) to view a booking grid which shows unavailability, breaks entered and appointments booked for each teacher included in your conference.
Each column of the file will be headed with the name of a teacher included in the conference. The rows contain the appointment timeslots of your conference.Appointments made with the teacher will show under the relevant teacher's column with the student's name beside the time booked.
Any teacher breaks entered will show the timeslot as Break.
If you have entered a different start or end time for any of your teachers the grid will show the extra timeslots as Unavailable for teachers who do not share those hours.